
The messageboard is temporarily out of order.

Problems will be rectified by: 7 may.

Dear friend,

The messageboard is temporarily out of order. I have been unable to find the exact reason why it was not functioning, and have been trying to contact the Tripod support staff (i.e.the staff of the free webhosting service on which this site is located) to identify and rectify the problem ever since it arose. However, we have so far not received any email from Tripod support.

It is possibly a server related problem and therefore we have no control over when the problem will be resolved. However, if the problem is not rectified within a week, we intend switching to a better host, and using Cgi scripts (which are currently not allowed on Tripod) as the backbone of the messageboard. This should allow us to have many other features on the messageboard (such as threaded replies). Please email me if you have any Cgi programming experience and would like to help in putting the messageboard back online again.

We intend to repost the archived messages once the messageboard is up and running again.

The inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted. If you have any suggestions/comments/criticisms to make, kindly email us at feedback@kemates.com

(Siddharth D. Kharkar)